Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Six-Panel Autobiography

Panel two of my autobiography is interesting to me, because I'm not sure what even made me think to include it.  I started to really like writing around fourth grade, when I started writing a lot of short stories.  In sixth grade I finished writing what I thought of then as a "novel," around eighty or ninety pages long.  It was called "A Family Secret" and it starred thinly disguised people from my real life at the time, and was about my little group of friends and I discovering that we all had magical powers, with which, of course, we had to fight the bad guys and save the day.

I guess what makes that a landmark or a "panel" in my life is the fact that it's the last piece of writing I really, truly, fully finished.  I've written short stories here and there, always meaning to go back and revise and polish them, and I've been working on the same novel for almost five years now, into which I always get a couple hundred pages and decide it sucks and start over (or simply lose interest), but panel 2 in my autobiography represents the last time I really felt I finished a piece of writing.  I'd like that to change.

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