Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Response to "Holocaust Girls/Lemon"

First of all, the title of this piece is a little weird to me, and I'm not sure if I missed something, but I didn't pick up on the post-slash portion of it.  A lot of this piece didn't make much sense to me; for instance, I thought the introductory bit that defined a "Holocaust Girl" as not necessarily a Jew or a woman was interesting, but I didn't see much explanation of that.  I did appreciate the author's distance from the piece (which she pointed out in the interview, talking about the various ways in which she cloaked the personal pronoun "I"), which I felt gave it a more universal appeal than the limited one you would expect.  Overall, to be honest, I probably didn't get much out of this piece because my roommates are throwing a moderate-sized party right now, as they do pretty much every weeknight, and it makes it pretty hard to think about the horrors of the holocaust when you can hear people throwing up in your bathroom.  I think the immediacy of the latter makes it a little more horrifying.

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